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南宁职业技术学院学校怎么样 南宁职业技术学院学校简介

2023-07-23 16:34:53 | 一一教育网




  Nanning College for Vocational Technology (NCVT), formerly Nanning Vocational University(in 1984), is under the management of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Nanning Municipal Government. As one of the first group of 28 colleges in the project of NationalModel HigherVocational College,and raised by the inspection team from Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance,NCVT is designated a National Demonstrative Vocational College in December 2009。


  The school covers an area of 130 hectares, including an accommodation area for student dormitories of 500,000 square meters. On campus, NCVT now serves 16,500 full-time students and 3,200 part-time students.


  Course designs are closely based on the demands of the industries involved and the development of the Guangxi Beibu Gulf area. Ten (10) different academic faculties offer sixty-three (60) available majors. Six academic teams for key majors and other related subjects have been set up for Interior Design Technology, Mechanical and Electronic Integration, Logistics Management, Hotel Management, Applied Thai Language, and Software Technology.


  For six consecutive years, Nanning College for Vocational Technology has been the only vocational college in Guangxi to be awarded the National Top Quality Curriculum Course Award. Recently the school was recognized for having two National Academic Achievement Awards,one National Top Quality Major and Nine National Top Quality Curriculum Course。

  学校拥有一支由国家教学名师和国家优秀教学团队为领军人物的专兼职“双师”素质教学团队。有国家优秀教学团队 1 个,国家教学名师 1 人;自治区教学名师2人,自治区优秀教学团队7个。在编在岗教职员工510人,其中专任教师 333 人。

  There are 510 staff members including 333 academic staffs. Among the outstanding staffs includes one number National Academic Distinguished Teacher,two number of Provincial Academic Distinguished Teachers, one national academic team andseven provincial academic teams. All academic teams are led by a top-level Distinguished Teacher to achieve the best teaching quality possible.


  NCVT sets “determination,practice,ability & creativity” as the school motto, and the pattern for NCVT school-running is:Interactive in School Administration,Integration in School-Enterprise Cooperation,Four- in- One System of Production, Teaching, Researching & Creation.


  The college has set up six productive training bases with investments from different fields including government funds, community funds, and enterprise funds. With the support of a Spanish government loan with a total value of 1.2 hundred million Yuan, a brand new practical use in-campus training base has been built. This area provides good training facilities for students to improve their vocational technology skills.

  学校坚持开放办学,与东盟国家12所高校签订了校际合作协议,与区内外10多所高职院校结成了对口支援关系,与 230多家行业骨干、龙头企业建立了合作关系。

  NCVT has undertaken international exchange projects with 12 universities in ASEAN countries. Cooperative programs between the school and other 10 regional vocational colleges are in progress, and more than 230 well-known enterprises have established cooperative relationships with the school.

  近年来毕业生就业率均在 95% 以上。建校至今,已为社会培养输送10多万名高技能应用型人才,为区域经济建设和社会发展提供了有力的人才支持。

  Total graduates up to now have reached roximately 100,000 students, who enjoy a good reputation in all fields and these young talents have made their contribution for the society. In addition, in recent years, the graduate employment rate has been up to 95%.


  We hereby would like to extend our special thanks to the departments concerned. We reciate the efforts of all administrative departments, the Ministry of Education, the regional sectors, and the Nanning Municipal Government. It is their earnest concern and financial support that have contributed to the success and fast growth of Nanning College for Vocational Technology.











学校常年。还有英语专业比较强。 挺好的。我的专业很好,比较有优势,一般需要考研,我们学的还行,希望大家慎重考虑选择。  


环境不错,师生关系融洽,学生的自律性很强,学校老师都挺好相处,课堂纪律也严抓。 就业前景不错,专业适用范围广。

口碑5: 一一教育网

















Established as Nanning Vocational College in 1984, Nanning College for Vocational Technology (NCVT) is a comprehensive college providing full-time higher vocational education.Sponsored by the Nanning Municipal Government, NCVT is co-administrated by the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Nanning Municipal Government. In Nov. 2009, NCVT was recognized, for the first time among Guangxi’s vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China as a“National Demonstrative Vocational College.”NCVT had been in the first list which has witnessed 27 other vocational colleges being approved as national demonstrative colleges.

NCVT has a total area of more than 1,200,000 square meters while the college buildings’ coverage exceeds 500,000 square meters. NCVT has more than 17,000 full-time students.Inaddition, there are 3,200 part-time students receiving continuing education in this college.

NCVT attaches great importance to the construction and development of its majors. The majors, most of them being shaped and adjusted by the industrial layouts and structural adjustments of Guangxi, especially Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, are well-received. There are ten academic colleges at NCVT, possessing altogether more than fifty higher vocational education majors including one excellent national-level major.Among those majors ,interior design, electromechanical integration technology,logistics management,hotel management,applied Thai language and software technology are national demonstrative key majors.

NCVT has three teaching achievement awards. Moreover, it has nine excellent national-level courses.NCVT is the only higher education institute in Guangxi which has possessed a national-level excellent major and nation-level excellent courses for six consecutive years.By now, NCVT has designed seven national excellent courses for resources sharing, which amount to almost one-third of the sharing excellent courses in Guangxi higher vocational education.

NCVT’s full-time and part-time teaching staff members are led by a excellent national teaching group. The teachers, who have both high academic standards as well as rich practical experience, provide their students with a quality-oriented education.Currently, NCVT has one expert who enjoys the special subsidy of the State Council, one national excellent teaching group, one national famous teacher,and one who has been accepted in“National Ten Thousand Scheme”as a famous teacher.Besides, NCVT has one distinguished scholar of guangxi higher school, one BaGui scholar,one provincial excellent teaching group and four famous teachers recognized by the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. NCVT altogether has more than 900 staff members,over 500 of them being teaching members.

With the support from the government and the financing from several enterprises, NCVT has established six on-campus training bases with the Spanish government-supported training base as their center. The practical training equipment, with their total value reaching 255 million RMB, provides the students with golden opportunities to cultivate their practical skills.

NCVT insists on cooperating with universities as well as corporations at home and abroad. NCVT has signed cooperative agreements with more than 10 colleges and institutes in ASEAN and other countries, and is in partnership with more than twenty domestic higher vocational colleges. Moreover, it cooperates with more than 230 leading enterprises in various industries.

In recent years, NCVT has a more than 90% employment rate among its graduates. Since its establishment, NCVT has cultivated more than one hundred thousand graduates who have become a real force to develop the economy and society.

NCVT has always been supported by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China,the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,and the Nanning Municipal Government as well as with the society at large. With the support from all levels of the society, NCVT enjoys a rapid, healthy, and sustainable development. In November 2016,Sun Chunlan,a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committeeand the head of the United Front Work Department,visited NCVT and highly praised it for its Management Philosophy, Teaching Model, Hardware Facilities, Students’ Employment and Education Quality.

是否是985 是否是211
是否是双一流 主管单位 广西壮族自治区
创建时间 1984年 博士点数量 一级:0,二级:0
硕士点数量 一级:0,二级:0 学校类型 综合类
所在城市 南宁市 办学层次 专科(高职)

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